Our survey of MaaS

To understand how the COVID-19 pandemic will definitely affect our lives in relation to our travelling behavior, we decided to produce a form based on the questionnaire, applied in Chicago, presented by the University of Illinois at the Transportation Research Board Webinar. The version developed by us aims to understand if the transformations analyzed in the North American city are related to the transformations that occurred in Brazil. The research is mainly focused on the city of São Paulo and you can still contribute by answering the forms here!

In this section, we also put some of the preliminary data obtained in the form in Portuguese, applied in the city of São Paulo. As expected, the data obtained point to a greater use of applications and services to meet their basic needs. It is important to remember that these are preliminary data and our intention is that we can acquire enough information for larger analysis.

First, we asked if people thought there would be an increase in online market purchases and most of the answers were "yes" for a few months after the end of the pandemic, however, there was a tie on this issue for a long time after the end of the pandemic.

Next, we asked if people thought there would be an increase in online food purchases and most of the responses were "yes" for a few months after the end of the pandemic and long after the end of the pandemic.

Our third question, talks about why people prefer to shop online during the pandemic (among the reasons were 24-hour shopping; avoid going to stores; avoiding crowds; finding items in high demand).

In the image below, we can see the previous result for the main concerns of the population when shopping online before the pandemic started. Among the main concerns we list the immeasibility of analyzing the product; Incorrect information about the product; Lack of instant access.

Finally, we analyzed the level of risk that people considered having to perform various activities. Among the activities we listed was going to the gym; go to parks; go to the supermarket; go to stores; visiting family and friends going to the hospital; among others.
